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Physical Education

Physical Education

Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting will teach you the basic skills and proper form for many different lifts to help your overall muscular strength and muscular endurance.

This course is designed for female students.

Personal Fitness is a prerequisite for this course.


Principles of Athletic Training

This course provides the basics of athletic training. Students will learn both theoretical and practical lessons.

Personal Fitness is a prerequisite for this course.


Team Sports

Team Sports is designed to teach you the rules and skills needed to compete in many different types of team sports. You will be playing some sort of sport each day while also improving your cardiovascular fitness.

Personal Fitness is a prerequisite for this course.


Weight Training

Weight training will teach you the basic skills and proper form for many different lifts to help your overall muscular strength and muscular endurance.

This course is designed for male students.

Personal Fitness is a prerequisite for this course.