Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education
Archer High School offers courses in Career, Technical and Agriculture Education (CTAE) in six Career Pathways.
- Audio,Video,Technology and Film
- Engineering and Technology
- Environmental Agriculture Systems
- Business Accounting
- Game Design
- Marketing and Management
- Nutrition and Food Science
A CTAE Career pathway is a series of three classes that culminates with an End Of Pathway Assessment that may result in a student receiving a credential (i.e.: industry recognized, national or state-developed occupational, state licensure).
In addition to our pathways, Archer High School offers courses for Business Concepts (Student Aiding) and Work-Based Learning.
Archer AgSTEM Program
Audio, Video, Technology and Film
Audio Visual Technology and Film I
This course will serve as the foundational course in the Audio & Video Technology & Film pathway. The course prepares students for employment or entry into a postsecondary education program in the audio and video technology career field. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to, terminology, safety, basic equipment, script writing, production teams, production and programming, lighting, recording and editing, studio production, and professional ethics. SkillsUSA, the Georgia Scholastic Press Association, Technology Student Association (TSA) and Student Television Network are examples of, but not limited to, appropriate organizations for providing leadership training and/or for reinforcing specific career and technical skills and may be considered an integral part of the instructional program. All material covered in Audio & Video Technology & Film I will be utilized in subsequent courses. The prerequisite for this course is advisor approval.
For more information, please email Terron Johnson :
Additional Courses in this pathway that can be taken after taking the prerequisite course:
- Audio Visual Technology and Film 2
- Audio Visual Technology and Film 3
Engineering and Technology
Foundations of Engineering
The Foundations of Engineering and Technology is the introductory course for the Engineering and Technology Education pathways. This STEM driven course provides the students with an overview of engineering and technology including the different methods used in the engineering design process developing fundamental technology and engineering literacy. Students will demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have learned through various project-based activities while using an engineering design process to successfully master the “E” in STEM.
There are no pre-requisites for taking this course.
For more information or to sign-up for advanced courses, please email Mrs. Aglietti at
Engineering Concepts
Engineering Concepts is the second course in the Engineering and Technology Pathway. Students will learn to design technical solutions to engineering problems using a whole systems approach to engineering design. Students will demonstrate the application of mathematical tools, teamwork, and communications skills in solving various design challenges, while maintaining a safe work environment.
Foundations of Engineering is the pre-requisite for taking this course.
For more information or to sign-up if you have met the prerequisite, please email Mrs. Aglietti at
Engineering Applications
Engineering Applications is the third course in the Engineering and Technology Pathway. Students will apply their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to develop solutions to technological problems. Solutions will be developed using a combination of engineering software and prototype production processes. Students will use market research, cost benefit analysis, and an understanding of the design cycle to create and present design, marketing, and business plans for their solutions.
Foundations of Engineering and Engineering Concepts are pre-requisites for taking this course.
For more information or to sign-up if you have met the prerequisite, please email Mrs. Aglietti at
Environmental Agriculture Systems
Basic Agriculture Science
This course is designed as the foundational course for all Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Pathways. The course introduces the major areas of scientific agricultural production and research; presents problem solving lessons and introductory skills and knowledge in agricultural science and agri-related technologies. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences and leadership programs and activities.
There are no pre-requisites for taking this course.
For more information, please email Ms. Long at
Agribusiness Management and Leadership
The course will help students build a strong knowledge base of the agribusiness industry as they study agribusiness types, business management, financial analysis, communications, agricultural law, leadership and teamwork, ethics, and agricultural economics. Mastery of these standards through project-based learning and leadership development activities in the FFA and supervised agricultural experience program will help prepare students for post-secondary study or direct entry into the workforce.
For more information or to sign-up if you have met the prerequisite, please email Mrs. Aglietti at
Marketing Agricultural Products and Services
The course will help students build a strong knowledge base of the agribusiness industry as they study methods and strategies of marketing agricultural products and services, principles of salesmanship, customer service, business organization, advertising, event planning, channels of distribution, investment analysis, finance, entrepreneurship, technology, communications, and economics
For more information or to sign-up if you have met the prerequisite, please email Mrs. Aglietti at
Business Accounting
Introduction to Business Technology
Introduction to Business and Technology is the first course in the Financial Services pathway. This course is designed to provide an overview of business and technology skills, such as management and leadership, money management, marketing, and word processing. Students will learn essentials in communications, risk management, as well as various types of technology and employability skills used in the workplace. Introduction to Business and Technology provides an introductory look at becoming a successful business manager, owner, and entrepreneur. Upon completion, students will have the opportunity to earn the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification in Word and/or PowerPoint. Upon completion of all three courses in the Financial Services pathway, students will have the opportunity to take the End of Pathway Assessment.
For more information, please email Mrs. Sinclair at
Financial Literacy
How money smart are you? Step into this course specifically designed for high school students to understand the importance of the financial world, including planning and managing money wisely.
If you have any further questions, please contact Mrs. Samantha Sinclair at
Principles of Accounting
Accounting is the language of business. Regardless of size, all businesses need clear, descriptive, purposeful, and reliable means to communicate what is going on in the business. The goal of this course is to provide an understanding and application of the social, ethical, and human issues related to business as it relates to a financial or accounting career field.
Introduction to Business and Technology and Financial Literacy is a pre-requisite for this course.
If you have any further questions or wish to register, please contact Mrs. Samantha Sinclair at
Game Design
Introduction to Software Technology / Computer Science Principles
Students will receive credit for both courses during one year.
Introduction to Software Technology is designed for high school students to understand, communicate, and adapt to a digital world as it impacts their personal life, society, and the business world. Exposure to foundational knowledge in programming languages, software development, app creation, and user-interfacing applications are all taught in a computer lab with hands-on activities and project-focused tasks.
There are no pre-requisites for taking this course.
For more information, please email Mrs. Glover at
Game Design
In Game Design it's all about gaming, playing games yes of course but more importantly creating games too. You will learn about the game development process. You will learn about how to analyze different games. You will begin to create your own games from the ground up, with the help of some coding. Unity is the preferred game engine to use in this course but other game engines may be considered. You will see what it takes to be a solo indie game developer, and also what it takes to work as a team to come up with the best games of the future. Take a risk that will lead to fun learning experiences by taking our Game Design course; you won't be disappointed.
Introduction to Software Technology and Computer Science Principles are pre-requisites for taking this course.
If you have any further questions or wish to register if you have met the prerequisite, please contact For more information, please email Mrs. Glover at
Marketing and Management
Marketing Principles
Students need to be informed about ongoing responsibilities today and to prepare for the real choices ahead. In this course they will learn about career decisions, marketing concepts, business and management, customer behaviors, marketing decisions, pricing strategies, products and services, promotions, distribution, international business, careers in marketing and literacy skills. Business partnerships with financial companies, guest speakers, field trips, and work-based learning activities can be incorporated in this course. Mastery of these standards through project-based learning and leadership development activities of DECA will help prepare students with a competitive edge for the global marketplace.
There are no pre-requisites for taking this course.
For more information, please email Mr. Hays at
Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Marketing and Entrepreneurship is the second course in the Marketing and Management Career Pathway. Marketing and Entrepreneurship begins an in-depth and detailed study of marketing while also focusing on management with specific emphasis on small business ownership. This course builds on the theories learned in Marketing Principles by providing practical application scenarios which test these theories. In addition, Marketing and Entrepreneurship focuses on the role of the supervisor and examines the qualities needed to be successful.
The completion of Marketing Principles is a pre-requisite for this course.
For more information, please email Mr. Hays at
Marketing Management - School Store
Students assume a managerial perspective by applying economic principles in marketing, analyzing the operation’s needs, examining channel management and financial alternatives, managing marketing information, pricing products and services, developing product/service planning strategies, promoting products and services, purchasing, and professional sales.
The completion of Marketing Principles and Marketing and Entrepreneurship are a pre-requisite for this course.
For more information, please email Mr. Hays at
Nutrition and Food Science
Food, Nutrition, and Wellness
Do you like food? Would you like to learn how to make yummy things like cheesecake, lasagna, mac and cheese, great tasting vegetables, and holiday treats? If so, you may want to consider taking Food, Nutrition and Wellness. This is the foundational course in the Nutrition and Food Science Pathway. Students will investigate the interrelationship of food, nutrition and wellness to promote good health. This course focuses on how to live a healthy lifestyle while learning how to cook – almost weekly.
There are no pre-requisites for taking this course.
For more information, please email Mrs. Bullard at
Food Science
For more information, please email Mrs. Bullard at
Business Communications (Student Aiding) and Work-Based Learning
Business Communications (Student Aiding)
This course is for administrative interns. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate employability and soft skills while working in an office at Archer High School.
- Open to 11th and 12th graders
- Must be in good standing with academics, behavior and attendance.
- Mrs. White will place students in locations within the building where students will interact with parents, community members, faculty/staff and other students while aiding.
For more information or to sign-up for this course, please contact Mrs. White at
Work-Based Learning
The mission of the Work-Based Learning Program is to assist in providing a highly trained, technologically sophisticated, and career-oriented young workforce. This is accomplished by developing partnerships between business, industry, students, parents, school systems, coordinators, and post-secondary institutions, which will lead the participating student into meaningful careers.
- Open to 11th and 12th graders
- Job must be approved by Mrs. White
- The company must have a business license
- Can be a paid or nonpaid position (Internship)
- Must turn in paystubs (paid position) or timesheet (internship)
- Must have secured a job and started working prior to the first day of school.
- Pick up a WBL packet (see Mrs. White) and complete it prior to leaving the building early.
- Must have reliable transportation (every day) and a valid parking spot on campus.
- WBL Periods Available:
- Morning Sessions (AM)
- 1 period = 5 hours of work each week (including weekends)
- 2 periods = 10 hours of work each week (including weekends)
- 3 periods = 15 hours of work each week (including weekends)
- Morning Sessions (AM)
- Afternoon Sessions (PM)
- 1 period = 5 hours of work each week (including weekends)
- 2 periods = 10 hours of work each week (including weekends)
- 3 periods = 15 hours of work each week (including weekends)
- Afternoon Sessions (PM)
For more information or to sign-up, please email Mrs. White at